Find A Custom Glass Project For You!

Glass can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. One thing weโ€™re pretty awesome at here at River Glass Designs is bringing your custom glass ideas to life! Whether it be for decorative or functional purposes or both, there are a variety of ways glass can be tailored and designed for so many different uses you may have never considered. Here are a couple of ideas to spark your creativity!

Display shelves: Simple and sleek. Not only are these useful for decor (or yummy cupcakes) but can bring more light into any room by placing them near windows for extra sunlight.


Wine Cellars: Is there anything fancier than a wine cellar? Definitely not. Keep your wine sealed and stored behind a glass wine cellar clear enough for you to admire from the outside.


Stairs/Staircases: Glass stairs and staircases provide a modern element to any home, including a simple look matching any paint colors or interior designs.


Railings: Using glass railings in your home keeps a sense of openness between rooms and different floors. They also accentuate the home by showing off other decor and structural elements.


Are you inspired yet? Contact our glass experts today to get your custom project in motion!ย 

Call us at 301-977-3020 or email us at [email protected]